Special Educational Needs at Wheelers Lane Primary School


At WLPS the Inclusion policy and practice follow the recommendations of the Code of Practice and Birmingham Local Authority guidelines. However there will be some changes in the near future as there is a new Code of Practice, we are working in partnership with Birmingham SEN and will publish the changes when they are finalised. Presently we have a register of need in place: Early Years Action and Early Years Action Plus School Action, School Action Plus and Provision of a Statement. At our school we use the following criteria for placing pupils on the register: COP: Communication and interaction Cognition and learning Emotional, social and behavioural development Sensory and/or physical Other: Pupils given a diagnosis Pupils with health concerns Speech and /or language difficulties Specific learning difficulties Autistic Spectrum Disorder Pupils are placed at school action if they are not achieving the levels expected for their year group. Discussions take place with pupils and their parents, we are keen to ensure the pupils have an understanding of their need (age appropriate) and are set achievable targets and are rewarded for their hard work and success.


Meeting the needs of all pupils


The needs of pupils are addressed through weekly planning. Work is differentiated to meet the specific needs of a pupil. Some pupils receive support through intervention programmes. Targets are set and progress reviewed regularly. If there are further concerns about a pupils progress the school will contact parents, and with their permission, will refer to outside agencies for additional assessment and support. Outside Agency Support Services Pupil School Support Services Education Psychology Communication and Autism Sensory Support Services Behaviour Support

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