Year 5
Welcome to Year Five. In Year 5 this year, the class teachers will be Mr Brazier, Miss Fletcher and Mrs Stone.
We are really excited about our learning this year. In Year 5, children will have the opportunity to read, amongst other high quality books, one of Mr Brazier’s personal favourites, Clockwork by Phillip Pullman. We will also be diving into Odysseus and Wonder as well as the action packed adventure, Below Zero

Mrs Stone is particularly looking forward to discovering more about the Vikings during our history lessons and Miss Fletcher can’t wait to get stuck into the space topic as part of our Science this year.
In Year 5, we will also learn a variety of skills in PE, such as invasion games in outdoor PE and Yoga in indoor PE. In DT, the children will be learning a variety of techniques to create structures, mechanisms and meals. In Art, there will be the opportunity to get their hands dirty in sculpting and moulding as well as drawing and designing in various medias and styles. Mr Brazier can’t wait to lead us in this, being such a talented artist himself.
We cannot wait to go on this learning journey with all the Year 5 children to experience all of this and much more
On top of all this, children in Year 5 will, throughout the year, experience our themed weeks and get to take part in our ever popular vision day as well as the opportunity to go on our fantastic residential trip in the Autumn term, a personal highlight for Miss Fletcher
Curriculum Overview