Year 4
In Year 4 this year, the class teachers will be Mrs McGarry, Miss McEvilly and Mr Wood, Mr Canning and Mr Wright.
We are excited for all the experiences ahead. These include our theatre trip, learning a musical instrument and hopefully a trip to Conkers, Swanshurst Park and Moseley Bog.

All children will have the opportunity to read, amongst other high-quality books, one of Mr Canning's personal favourites, The Iron Man. We also cannot wait to use the book, ‘The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe’ as a stimulus for creative writing.
Mrs McGarry is particularly looking forward to learning how to play the Cornet and Miss McEvilly can’t wait to get stuck into the Ancient Greece topic in the Autumn term. Mr Wright is excited for all things science based and all the RE we are covering this year