Year 1
Welcome to Year 1. In Year 1 this year, the class teachers will be Mrs Hobkirk Smith and Mrs Cornes (1HC), Mrs Ray (1R), and Mrs Pearson (1P), and will be supported by Mrs Naureen.
We are really excited about our learning this year. In Year 1 we read many great texts including The Night Pirates, The Tiger Who Came to Tea and Hip Hop to the MiniBeast Bop. As teachers, we look forward to sharing many more super books with you each week. Imagine how many books we will read in a term, let alone a year! Mrs Hopkirk Smith is looking forward to exploring our history of toys and a chance to learn all about explorers as well as our local history in Birmingham. Mrs Ray inspires us all during our DT topics by helping us along with each step of our learning. Mrs Pearson is looking forward to taking our learning beyond the classroom whilst looking after the school environment. Mrs Cornes is eager to help us produce some truly gifted pieces of art when exploring printing, modelling and painting too.
To help us become readers, we will follow the Little Wandle Revised Letters and Sounds to develop both our phonics skills. This builds on all of the phonics learning delivered in our EYFS. In addition, we have dedicated reading time each day to help us develop our fluency, expression and comprehension skills as well as opportunities to read for pleasure.