Year 6
Welcome to Year 6! In Year 6 this year, the class teachers will be Miss Atkins, Mr Cutler and Mr Knight.
We are very excited about our learning in this final year for the children at Wheelers Lane Primary. In Year 6, the children will have the opportunity to read and study, amongst other high-quality texts : Pig Heart Boy, Holes and A Christmas Carol.

Mr Cutler is particularly looking forward to exploring the fascinating topic of World War II during our History lessons and Mr Knight can’t wait to share some of the trickiest Maths problems he has up his sleeves. Miss Atkins is already excited about the engaging texts we get to study and the pieces of writing that they will inspire. The team are also looking forward to the much anticipated end of year production.
In year 6, we will also study the physical and natural geography of South America, as well as observing and interpreting various types of maps relating to our local area of Birmingham and Kings Heath. World War II isn’t the only topic we’re going to delve into for History. We will also be exploring the role of the British Empire during the 18th century and how the Windrush generation influenced life in Britain following the end of World War II. Our Science topics will have the children investigating mould (yuk!), life cycles and the difference between natural and artificial light

In Year 6, we have structured Maths sets, meaning the children will be challenged according to their ability, and challenged they will be! Long division, percentages, volume and algebra are only a handful of curriculum areas the children will be getting stuck into. In English, the children will use a range of inspirational texts as a scaffold to write from multiple perspectives across various forms, including informative newspaper articles, spooky narratives and emotive monologues. In Art and DT, the children will be using a range of media to design, create and make phone cases, collage landscapes, historical portraits and more!
On top of this, the children in Year 6 will, throughout the year, experience our fantastic themed weeks and get to take part in our ever-popular vision day as well as the opportunity to be involved in our very own class assemblies, focusing on Anti-Bullying, E-Safety and Advent.