Physical Education
At Wheelers Lane Primary School, we promote and encourage healthy lifestyles by providing an inclusive PE curriculum that is inspirational, aspirational and enriching for all. We want our pupils to succeed and fulfil their potential both as individuals and as a collective community. We provide opportunities for children to become confident and resilient in a way which supports their physical and mental well-being. We develop opportunities for children to embed transferrable life-long skills and values such as fairness and respect as well as providing them with the chance to take part in competitive sport.
We build pupil character and encourage a positive growth mind-set by providing a rich variety of activities that promote curiosity, perseverance and determination. Our children are equipped with the tools to overcome potential challenges and we teach them the importance of resilience as part of the journey towards success and achievement.
Wheelers Lane
PE curriculum
Builds on the Early Learning Goals for ‘Physical development’ within EYFS. The curriculum values the importance of physical and mental well-being. It is varied, inclusive and provides a broad range of activities based on children’s interests whilst at the same time, our medium-term plans ensure that we fully meet the requirements of the National Curriculum. All pupils receive at least two hours of high quality PE using the outside space and the school hall covering two different sports/skills each week.
All PE lessons are with their class teacher and some year groups (on a yearly rotation basis) have weekly sessions with a qualified Sports coach for CPD purposes. During lessons with the Sports Coach, children receive expert coaching to develop fundamental skills through a variety of activities and games suitable to their key stage. Year 1 will also have a weekly sessions from Artis to develop their developing skills further. Teachers use, and adapt, Getset4PE planning and resources to ensure lessons across years show progression.
PE lessons
Our PE curriculum
Is sequenced to ensure progression of knowledge and skills throughout a child’s primary education, thus enabling children to build upon prior experiences and apply these fluently, with confidence. Children also encouraged and offered the opportunity to further these skills at after school sports clubs and during (inter and intra) competitions. Children take part in a range of invasion, competitive, striking & fielding or net & wall games.
We promote teamwork
leadership, imagination and creativity in yoga, gymnastics and dance as well as provide opportunities for athletics using both indoor and outdoor environments along with outdoor and adventurous activities. In Upper KS2, children go on a residential trip for outdoor activities. In Year 4, all children have swimming lessons in the Autumn term. Any children who do complete the swimming objectives by the end of the sessions will have a catch up opportunity in Year 6 in the Summer term. At Wheelers Lane, we know that Physical Education is fundamental in developing healthy lifestyles in children and we provide opportunities outside of the normal curriculum time.
We do this through running Girls and Boys Football teams. In addition, children have the opportunity to participate in a variety of competitive sports as part of the Bishop Challenor partnership as well as additional opportunities created through the local community. Annually, the school celebrates ‘Sports Themed Week’ to educate and promote a healthy lifestyle and physical activity. Children engage in different workshops, activities and sports, and the week culminates with our whole-school Sports day.
Developing leadership and communication skills,
Children in Years 5 and 6 can apply to become a Young Sports Leader which is a responsible role in encouraging younger children to learn how to play collaborative games, respecting rules and to be as active as possible during playtimes. Children selected are positive role-models for younger members of the school, organising lunchtime games and assisting with annual sports days. At Wheelers Lane we recognise the importance of being physically active throughout the school day so all staff use and incorporate the iMoves program which encourages all children to be active no matter what the lesson or time of the day and shows them how to care for their mental-wellbeing at the same time. It is enjoyed by both pupils and staff, children are fully engaged and enthused. We will relaunch the ‘Daily Mile’ to help meet the government target of all children being physically active for 60 minutes per day.
allows children to develop fundamental skills and apply them to a variety of sports and activities. Children understand how to lead a healthy lifestyle and understand the importance of exercise.
Our skills progression enables us to ensure that children develop the knowledge and understanding, skills and attributes necessary for a physically and mentally healthy lifestyle. They will hopefully grow up to have a passion for sport and live healthy lives utilising the skills and knowledge acquired through PE.
A progressive curriculum
Measuring the impact
We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
Analysis of spending of PE and Sport Premium
Pupil Voice
Teacher feedback questionnaires
Lesson observations
A reflection on standards achieved against the planned outcomes/objectives Analysis of baseline measurement fitness tests
Analysis of pupil participation in competitions and clubs.
Verbal feedback
Self and peer assessment
Progression of skills gained by the end of the year
Analysis of spending of PE and Sport Premium
Pupil Voice
Teacher feedback questionnaires
Lesson observations
A reflection on standards achieved against the planned outcomes/objectives Analysis of baseline measurement fitness tests
Analysis of pupil participation in competitions and clubs.
Verbal feedback
Self and peer assessment
Progression of skills gained by the end of the year