The Computing curriculum contributes to our school vision, meets the needs of our diverse community and equips children for life. It enables children to develop subject specific skills and knowledge, as well as the ability to use technology in a responsible way, that will help them to thrive in the modern world and tomorrow’s world.
Through the teaching of Computing, we promote in the children:
- curiosity
- problem-solving skills
- aspirational thinking
- logical thinking
It will also give all children the opportunity to learn basic computer programming.
Each pupil will have a BGFL login. All of their work will be saved automatically in their digital folder and all of the pupils' work is accessible for the teacher to view in a class portfolio. Here, the teacher will be able to evaluate how successful the children have been in achieving the objectives, as well as being able to share good examples easily. Measurement of Computing skills will be evident in the work they have done and the feedback from the children through self and peer evaluation sheets.
E-safety is integrated into the lesson plans but also taught discreetly as an introduction to each lesson using the resources on Project Evolve
Computing Documents
It is very important that children are told that they are learning Computing and what Computing is (the 3 main strands of the subject). Information technology is about the use of computers for functional purposes, such as collecting and presenting information, or using search technology. Digital literacy is about the safe and responsible use of technology, including recognising its advantages for collaboration or communication. Finally, computer science will introduce children of all ages to understanding how computers and networks work.