Religious Education

Religious Education

At Wheelers Lane Primary School, we equip children with a mutual respect and understanding of the many different beliefs and cultures in Birmingham, the UK and the world.

We recognise that Religious Education encourages the development of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development by promoting respect and open-mindedness towards others with different faiths and beliefs. We believe that Religious Education is invaluable in an ever-changing and diverse world. The lessons we deliver offer the opportunity for the deepest values of human life to be identified, shared and discussed.
As a school in Birmingham, we follow the Birmingham agreed RE syllabus. This encourages children to learn ‘from faith’ by learning ‘about religious traditions and non-religious world views’. Our curriculum follows 24 moral and cultural dispositions (see progression document) aimed at cultivating and inspiring our children’s knowledge and understanding of different faiths and other non-religious world views. These dispositions grouped into six clusters:
Creativity - How should we imagine and express what matters?
Compassion - How and Why should we care?
Choice - What should we stand for?
Community - How and where should we contribute and relate to others?
Commitment - What ventures should we undertake?
Contemplation - How do we come to understand what matters?
Each of the dispositions are covered within a 2-year cycle and are taught through 4 dimensions of learning:
Learning from experience
Learning about religious traditions and non-religious world views

Learning from faith and non-religious world views

Learning to discern
At Wheelers Lane Primary School, we recognise the importance of monitoring the progress of each pupil in RE as in any other subject. Children will be asked to complete a self assessment termly to identify important ideas they have learnt about and how these can be used in their daily lives. Monitoringing of RE across the school will be completed by the RE subject lead; this will take the form of reviewing pupils' books and pupil interviews. Assessment of RE for Reception pupils will be relative to their contribution to the Early Learning Goals.

Curriculum Overview

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